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Warning: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 152 联想笔记本电脑哪款好用

分类:硬件教程    发布时间: Warning: Use of undefined constant newstime - assumed 'newstime' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 156 2022年05月03日 17:04:10











  1、联想扬天V720 14

  联想扬天V720 14不但造型精致,而且采用了B面超窄边框设计,钻石切割的技术,让整个机身的观感和手感更加的突出。其搭载的是i5-7200U与i7-7500U cpu,16GB内存和512GB固态硬盘,而且还拥有940MX 2GB独立显卡与HD 620核芯显卡。在续航方面,它拥有55瓦时的大容量电池,并支持涡轮快充技术,1小时可充电85%,这一点非常的人性化。


  联想小新锐7000是一款15.6英寸的游戏电脑,它的厚度只有22.7mm,非常方便随身携带。它搭载的是i5-7300HQ cpu、4GB内存、1TB的机身存储以及GTX1050 2GB独立显卡,所以能够满足不同用户的需求。

  3、ThinkPad X270

  ThinkPad X270屏幕大小为12.5英寸,不但机身非常的轻薄,重量只有1.32kg,方便用户外出携带,从配置上来看,它搭载的是i5-6200U cpu,8GB内存,128GB固态硬盘+1TB机械硬盘,让视频、网页更加的流畅。而且还拥有按压式指纹识别器、APS硬盘保护技术、防眩光屏幕、TrackPoint小红点和全尺寸键盘等设计。

  4、联想YOGA 720

  联想YOGA 720屏幕尺寸为13.3英寸,非常的轻薄,它采用的是CNC工艺航空铝合金金属外观,7.2mm的窄边框,而且还搭载了i5-7200U处理器、4GB内存和256GB固态硬盘,办公性能非常出色。此外还拥有sRGB色域的广视角IPS屏幕,可以给拥有不一样的视觉体验。


  1、联想扬天V720 14;


  3、ThinkPad X270;

  4、联想YOGA 720。

上一篇: Warning: Use of undefined constant classid - assumed 'classid' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 211 Warning: Use of undefined constant tbname - assumed 'tbname' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 211 Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 212 Warning: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 217 电脑桌面怎么恢复正常大小 下一篇: Warning: Use of undefined constant classid - assumed 'classid' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 222 Warning: Use of undefined constant tbname - assumed 'tbname' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 222 Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 223 Warning: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 228 wifi密码忘记了怎么办
栏目:硬件教程 阅读:0 2022/09/08
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