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Warning: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 152 无法连接到nvidia,详细教您Win10提示“无法连接到NVIDIA”怎么办

分类:win10    发布时间: Warning: Use of undefined constant newstime - assumed 'newstime' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 156 2018年05月30日 10:48:02

最近有Win10用户反馈说,在使用NVIDIA控制面板更新显卡驱动时,系统会弹出错误提示:“无法连接到NVIDIA 检查您的互联网连接”,这该如何解决Win10更新显卡驱动提示“无法连接到NVIDIA”呢?下面,小编给大家带来了无法连接到NVIDIA的处理图文。

最近不少windows10系统用户都遇到了一些奇怪的问题,感觉十分苦恼。比如,有用户反馈自己在win10系统中打开nvidia控制面板更新显卡驱动时,遇到了错误提示“无法连接到 NVIDIA 检查您的互联网连接”。很多用户感到很苦恼,下面,小编给大家分享无法连接到NVIDIA的解决经验。


打开此电脑,依次展开 C:\ProgramData\Nvidia Corporation\NetService ,在\NetService 文件夹中找到并删掉 NSManagedTasks.xml 文件



按下ctrl+shift+esc打开并进入任务管理器,进程里勾选显示所有用户进程,结束 NVNetworkService.exe 进程



按WIN+R键在运行里面键入services.msc 点击确定,打开服务



在服务中找到Nvidia Network Service的选项,右键选择【启动】






上一篇: Warning: Use of undefined constant classid - assumed 'classid' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 211 Warning: Use of undefined constant tbname - assumed 'tbname' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 211 Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 212 Warning: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 217 桌面图标怎么变小,详细教您电脑桌面图标的太大怎么调小 下一篇: Warning: Use of undefined constant classid - assumed 'classid' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 222 Warning: Use of undefined constant tbname - assumed 'tbname' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 222 Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 223 Warning: Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/www.zhuangjiba.com/web/e/data/tmp/tempnews1.php on line 228 鼠标dpi,详细教您鼠标dpi怎么调
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